Clubs Helping Clubs - Ways to Help

Monetary Donations:

We're requesting monetary donations to assist our colleagues with living and recovery expenses.  All proceeds will be distributed to qualifying club employees and will go towards basic needs, cost of living and/or rehabilitation expenses. Please consider donating today by check or credit card.

Check donations can be made payable to "Texas Lone Star Chapter" and mailed to:
1415 South Voss, Ste. 110 #397
Houston, TX 77057

Online donations:

Please note: the Texas Lone Star Chapter is a 501 c(6) organization.  Donations are not tax deductible as a contribution.

Job Board:

Many club staff members will be without an employer for an extended period of time.  If your club has needs or the capacity to temporarily hire these individuals, let us know! Please email [email protected] and provide the following:
  • Club name and location
  • Department/Position Title and number of availabilities
  • Contact information for candidates to apply for positions
  • If you have housing available, please let us know
Check the latest listings for temporary employment opportunities.

Donation Drop-Offs:

The TLSC will organize several distribution locations where donations will be accepted and distributed to club employees in need.  The following survey, available below, will be used to identify the needs of employees.  Please have them complete it in order for us to prioritize needs:

Important: The employee relief survey is closed.  Relief funds can still be requested by making a formal request through your club's General Manager or CMAA member.  He/she should reach out to the committee with your request.


Many of our colleagues will require clean up and restoration to their homes.  If you are interested in volunteering to be on stand-by for these projects, please email [email protected].

Employee Resources:

FEMA - Hurricane Harvey
Employee Wage Assistance - Texas Workforce Commission
Article: IRS Loosens Rules for Borrowing Against Retirement Funds

Note: Please contact your mortgage lender, apartment company, electric company, cell phone carriers, credit card agencies, etc. for deferred payment options.